Marvel’s “Deadpool & Wolverine” movie premiered in theaters on Friday, July 26, 2024. To coincide with the premier, Deadpool and Wolverine made their limited debut appearance in Avengers Campus at Disney California Adventure Park, at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim California!
There was a lot of buzz around what types of antics Deadpool would be up to, and also high hopes that Wolverine would join him at the park. The only Deadpool event scheduled on the Disneyland app was Story Time with Deadpool, with 4 showtimes scheduled. I was lucky enough to be at the park on the 26th, and I made a beeline to the Hyperion Theatre area, where they had set up a backdrop with a Deadpool logo, a chair, lamp and a table, presumably where Deadpool would be telling these stories.
The crowds definitely came out for this unique event and the energy was high, which has been much needed in Avengers Campus for months. After holding my ground in my viewing spot for over an hour, the time had finally come! Deadpool came skipping out from backstage, wearing a Mister Rogers type sweater, glasses and carrying a book. The crowd went absolutely wild, and Deadpool was cracking jokes as soon as he opened his mouth. The first story was Deadpool and the Wolverbeast, an obvious play on the beloved Disney animated movie, “Beauty and the Beast”. We had a clue that Wolverine would be coming out with the Wolverbeast reference, and about two thirds of the way through the 8 minute show, out came Wolverine and again the crowd roared. The four shows were spaced out by about an hour and 15 minutes, and although the two stories were repeated (Deadpool and the Wolverbeast & Cinderpool), the storytelling was different for each. I did watch and stream all four storytelling shows, so please click the link here if you’d like to watch and form your own opinion.
Throughout the day you could find Deadpool and Wolverine in other areas around Avengers Campus, including the Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Dance Off! with Star Lord and in the Avengers Assemble! show, at times riding a unicorn. Yes, there were subtle innuendos and jokes that we would expect from Deadpool, but they delivered on what the audience wanted and expected from this experience.
Cordy In California
Vlogger, Podcast Host, Late Night Streamer
Sharing the happy places we visit, and positive encouragement for all that want it! I am lucky enough to live close to Disneyland, and to have a Magic Key, so I am there quite frequently. Please enjoy my livestreams and Vlogs as we explore the Disneyland Resort & Parks, and other sites around our beautiful State of California!